one of my favourite books!! and i am also so fascinated with the story behind the novel <3 there's this one thriller novel "the villa" by rachel hawkins which in my opinion (loosely) plays with the whole "mary shelley creating frankestein one summer" event

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Omg didn't know about that, I will check it out. Thanks 😎😘

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heads up though, it’s a parallel story so the mary shelley esque part is not the main story (i wish it was :/)

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Frankenstein is by far my favorite novel. I bought it on a whim in Oxford in 2018, but didn't read it (through audiobook, biking to and fro high school) before 2020. I didn't pay much attention, as I tend to daydream more than listen when an audiobook is playing. But when I decided to read it in its physical form a year later, I was starstruck. I immediately fell in love, and I couldn't put it away. I finished it in record time, and it replayed in my mind with a fervor I've not encountered since.

My Penguin black classics edition is filled to the brim with annotations and tabs; it's nearly impossible to read the text. I love it so much I have another Penguin edition (specifically bought for my boyfriend, which is a whole story in and of itself), a secondhand Barnes and Noble Classics edition, a limited special edition from Royal Classics, and whenever I go to a bookstore I always look for a new copy. I've lent my precious Penguin copy to friends and family, who have reported that both the story and my annotations (the workings of a madwoman!) is a joy to read. I love to share this novel with others and its always my first recommendation, almost no matter what they like to read. If anyone asks for a novel to get into classics, it will with no doubt be my first recommendation!

I re-read it every year, in November as I find it a very fitting time, and I annotate in a differently colored pen every time. I might have to start annotating on transparent post-it notes soon, as the pages of my copy is quickly running out of space. Sometimes I go through my "quotes" tabs just for fun, to go back to some of my favorite moments and sayings in the book.

I, too, got pretty obsessed with Mary Shelley and her life. I find her an incredibly fascinating author and person. I've bought her other books too, and from what I can tell I've got pretty much her whole bibliography on my shelf now. I've even read the travelogue she wrote when she eloped with Percy. Actually, my obsession of and love for Frankenstein is what started this newsletter, as I ran out of podcast eps about it on Spotify so I decided to start my own. (Besides, there was so much I would like to dive deep about that no one had yet even touched on!)

I've not a lot of posts yet (life keeps me busy), so you can find my podcast episodes about the novel pretty easily. Please take a listen if you're interested (though I think the production quality from script to recording could be improved...). I'll be writing more about Frankenstein and combine it with topics from art and culture soon. Furthermore, I decided to print some academic papers to read this summer, four out of six which are about Frankenstein... me, obsessed much? oops!

Thank you, Nicole, for sharing all these great quotes from Frankenstein. It is truly a book I think everyone should read at least once in their life.

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Wow Kode I'm astonished by your enthusiasm and love for this little gem of a novel 😍 I also have multiple copies of Frankenstein eheh! It's one of the book I always recommend and especially to who is new to classics, as you said. I'll definitely check out your podcast, it seems super interesting! 😎 Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, I'm glad you liked the post 🩷

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So many incredible quotes here! I'm so glad that I recently read "Frankenstein", it was such a fascinating read and I loved every moment of it. The loneliness the poor creature possesses seriously brought me to tears at one point. Such an incredible book and I loved learning more about its conception in this piece 🤎

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Oh I'm glad you love this book too! 🥰 Yeah, I must admit that I definitely shed some tears whenever the poor unloved creature shared what was feeling and thinking 😭 Great, I'm happy you also discovered something new! 🩷

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One of my favourite too! Good read

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Great! I'm glad you liked it 😎🩷

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One of my favourite novels - also not just because of the story itself but for the story behind it too ^^

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Eheh we really are book twins 😉🩷

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Yesss 🥰

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Here in the comments to say that for those of you who received this article via email, there was an error in the intro.

Not a summer in "Italy" (I don't know why I typed that 😂), but in Geneva - Switzerland.

The article on the app and site is now corrected.


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